Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Class Officers!!!!

Anderson\Henderson's Homeroom Officers:
President- JayeLyn
Vice- Nichole
Senators- Ici & Kyle
House of Reps- Amberle', Kaitlynn, & Christian

Green's Homeroom Officers:
President- Emmalee
Vice- Raegan
Senators- Montana & Corbin
House of Reps- David & Hunter

Brown's Homeroom Officers:
President- Tommy
Vice- Sergio
Senators- Dany & Scott
House of Reps- Amelia & Guin

Congrats to our new class officers. We had a crazy week campaigning, and the votes are in. We are confident that those voted to represent our fifth grade this trimester will set a good example, and be a great help in the fifth grade! Good job guys!

Our officers are expected to lead by example. Each job holds specific expectations. The officers as a "whole" make up our student council here at Ashley Elementary. These students will get special tasks and privledges by being elected into office! YAY!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Welcome Back!

Back to pencils. Back to books. Back to teacher's dirty looks!!! We are back in class! A lot has been forgotten over the summer! Please make sure you are practicing math facts and reading for 30 minutes each night! It is SO important in being successful in fifth grade! Keep checking in, as our blog will be updated weekly! :)