Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Spring Break!

How was Spring Break? What did you do? Where did you go? Who were you with? Make sure to reread what you write before posting! Only 24 days left of fifth grade!


  1. Spring break was fun. I had a party in the back of my truck. I went behind Red Fleet and broke eggs open. My cousins were with me.

  2. For Spring Break I visited my grandmother in Salt Lake City. We had two Easter egg hunts, played with our cousins, and played games. It was my Uncle Paul's birthday on Saturday, April 23rd. We had lots of cake, ice cream and candy from the "Easter Bunny."

  3. For Easter break I got sick for 3 days,it was not fun! I went to a picnic at Split Mountain and, my grandpa brougth his medal detector of course! We looked for medal all over the place all I found was some loose change like a dime, and a penny. Thats all I found! During the picnic it started to rain so we just stayed by the fire. I also cracked open some eggs and I found a yolk the like the size of a chick! "Not really though." For Easter I got a karoke machine with some music and with three new cd's like Now 35, Now 36, and Now 37.I got a bunch of candy with my Karoke Machine.

  4. My spring break was fun. I went to Ameila's party. The next day i went to SLC to the Hogal Zoo with my aunt. I got two baby chicks and a goose i named one of my chicks ond Red Riding Hood, and the other one puff puff, my goose's name is Keach. I went to the recenter with Ameila, Madisen, Bailee, Sergio, and bailees cusion Maddie. After that I went to Ameila's house and played connect and played with her ipad.

  5. For spring break I went to my grandparents house. We had two easter egg hunts one on Saturday the other on Sunday. We went to my cousins house and played for a while. That is what i did for spring break.

  6. My spring break was really fun! On Thursday, I went to Alex's house. It was fun!!! After that, I went to Chasen's house. He tried to scare me and Alex. He certainly scared me so before I go to Chasen's house, I better think twice. On Sunday, my sister came to my house and we had a fun Easter. My favorite part was when my brother-in-law Michael played Just Dance and Just Dance 2. Thank you for your time.

  7. On September 20, 2011, don't you think that this website would be gone.
    I miss you guys! Spacificly you Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Henderson, and Ms. Green!!!

  8. Just like 4 days ago, on Sept. 24, 2011 the website is still here!
    Miss you guys!

  9. awwwww miss these times-
    Kathryn Kearney and Ici Forbis

  10. Holy crap! It has been so long! I miss you guys.

  11. This school year has been boring so far. It was a lot more fun with you guys! You were so much fun!
